By Alex Malm
A conceptual discussion for a 13 lot subdivision at 11 Sargent Road was discussed at the Sept. 13 Planning Board meeting.
Representing the applicant DHB Homes was George Chadwick.
Chadwick said the property is about 18 acres in size.
“What we are proposing is a 13 lot subdivision,” said Chadwick.
Chadwick stated they are proposing to have a 24 foot wide road that would have public water and septic.
It was explained by Town Engineer, John Trottier, the regulation is 28 feet, which is based on 12 feet lanes and two foot shoulders.
“That’s how they came up with that 28 foot wide,” said Trottier.
Trottier asked if they were proposing to use the grass panels as a sidewalk.
Chadwick said they weren’t planning on it.
Town Planner, Kellie Walsh, said she thought it was a straightforward proposal.
“Overall it’s very straightforward,” said Walsh.
Walsh stated it is a permitted use in the zone and they will meet with the applicant and express their initial concerns with traffic increasing.
“Those are items we will need to look further into,” said Walsh.
Planning Board member, Ann Chiampa, said she hopes the historical house on the property could be preserved. She hopes they would also be able to keep some of the stone walls.
“I hope the house can be preserved, but that’s not what we’re here for,” said Chiampa.
Planning Board Ex-Officio, Deb Paul, stated she thinks the roads should be up to the Town’s standards since they have to maintain them. She also hoped they would be able to preserve the home and that they have a historical plaque in the entrance that explains the historical aspect of it.
Chadwick said he would go with the wider road.
“If you want a 28 foot wide road I will give you that,” said Chadwick.
In terms of rock walls, Aaron Orso, the co-owner of DHB Homes, said their plan is to keep as many of them as possible.
“We understand the historical integrity of these,” said Orso.
Orso explained he would do a cost analysis of how much it would be for the historical house.
Orso also noted they would try to keep as much of a wooded buffer as possible for the abutters.
The next Planning Board meeting is slated for Oct. 5 at 7 p.m.