Planning Board OKs Six-Home Subdivision on High Range

The Planning Board approved the subdivision of a High Range Road property for the future development of six single-family homes.

In addition to subdividing the nine-acre property at 71 High Range Road, the plan includes development of a new 900-foot public road off Quentin Drive.

Member Mary Soares suggested the developer consider installing sidewalks along the new public road for children walking to meet the school bus.

In addition to the subdivision, the Board approved a lot-line adjustment between the new subdivided property and the adjacent property at 77 High Range Road, on which there is an existing single-family home.

Project engineer Eric Mitchell said there are two existing wetlands within existing drainage easements along Quentin Drive, but they will not be impacted; and the subdivided properties will have sprinkler systems.

Mitchell noted the properties are not within the 100-year flood plain and feature well-drained soils, with an average slope of eight to 15 percent.

Leo Lee of 70 High Range Road expressed concern the development will increase the salinity of water draining to a pond on his property.

Mitchell said drainage from the site will continue moving in the same direction – a large pond on the southern side of Quentin Drive drains to a smaller pond at the intersection of Quentin Drive and High Range Road.

“Most will go into the smaller pond, which will be made larger,” he said.

The Board assured Lee the developer must complete drainage improvements that ensure the amount of water draining to neighboring properties does not increase as a result of the subdivision.

Mitchell said the proposed drainage improvements would slow down the rate of runoff, as well as remove sediment from the water.

Janet St. Jean of 69 High Range Road asked about a rock wall on the property that is to be deconstructed.

Mitchell said the stones from the wall are to be featured at the entrance to the subdivision.