Annual Old Home Day Event Features a Few Changes

At the July 15 Londonderry Town Council meeting, members of the town’s staff gave an update about the annual Old Home Day.
Administrative Support Coordinator, Kirsten Hildonen, who along with Assistant Recreation Director, Doug Cole, told the Town Council that its the 125th anniversary of the event. She said when it was created in 1899, Londonderry was one of 44 towns who celebrated it that year.
“It’s a tradition we’re incredibly well proud of here in town,” Hildonen said.
One of the pieces of information she noted is that they are being extremely careful when it comes to parking, especially for Saturday.
“So one thing we want people to know of early is that we’ve moved the accessible parking for Saturday across the street to the Methodist Church,” Hildonen said.
She said they will be moving it from the other church so they can keep that part of Pillsbury Road closed due to traffic concerns.
“That was also a concern for Old Home Day as well,” she said about the traffic concerns.
This year’s event is set to take place from Wednesday, Aug. 14, to Saturday, Aug. 17.
“We have very familiar activities,” Hildonen said.
One of the new events this year will be a color run that will be taking place on Thursday, Aug.15.
Cole noted that it will be at LAFA Field on Nelson Road, and more information along with the map will be coming out soon. The event is from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and registration is currently open on the MyRec platform, and people can also fill out the forms at the Recreation Office.
The cost is $15 per person with a max of $45 per family. The deadline is 5:15 p.m. the day of the run and there will be the chance to sign up at the event. Cole noted there will be a DJ, refreshments, and color packets for the run.
Wednesdays events include senior night bingo and picnic, a kids’ movie night, and Concerts on the Common
In addition to the Color Run, Thursday will feature an ice cream fundraiser and the annual Battle of the Bands.
Friday will feature the “L-Town Classic Softball Game & Home Run Derby ” with a homerun derby taking place from 3:30 to 5 p.m. with a softball game taking place after between the Police Department and a team made up of school and town staff. The event is set to take place at the Matthew Thornton Softball field.
In addition, Friday will feature food trucks and fireworks.
Saturday will feature a number of events and activities throughout the entire day, including the parade.
The next Town Council meeting is slated to take place on Aug. 12 at 7 p.m.