Londonderry’s first elderly assisted living facility will be a unique, alternative concept to the traditional facilities operating in the Granite State.
In a presentation to the Senior Affairs Committee last week, Tracey Hamlin-Landry, regional director of sales for Kaplan Development Group, said All American Assisted Living will offer seniors an opportunity to enjoy “companion living” for about half the cost of traditional assisted living.
And unlike the traditional facilities in New Hampshire that offer different levels of care, All American Assisted Living will offer in one facility the full spectrum of care – dressing, bathing, evening care and escorting to meals and activities, as much or as little as needed.
“We give residents the opportunity to have all the bells and whistles for less money,” Hamlin-Landry said, noting the new facility at 1 Button Drive will offer around-the-clock care and security for all tenants, as well as activities and outings. “This is a more social, fun model with a safety net.”
Each two-bedroom apartment will feature a large, shared living room, as well as a shared kitchenette and bathroom. The large, private bedrooms will have a sitting area for tenants as well.
“We have all shared space in our lives, whether it was with a sibling, spouse or children,” Hamlin-Landry said. “This is not a new concept, but it is here for assisted living.”
The intent of the communal living concept is to drive down costs and make assisted living more affordable for the “in-betweeners,” according to Hamlin-Landry.
Individuals who may have sold their homes or receive Social Security benefits, or may have spent down a 401k and pension but can still make monthly payments for care may not qualify for Medicaid to help with the cost of assisted living.
Town Planner Cynthia May said often people find there is nothing affordable where they live, and that they have to spend all their money and assets to qualify for assistance with long-term care.
Rather than a $5,000 to $8,000 per month price point for assisted living, All American Assisted Living offers a $3,900 per month price point. And rather than an $8,000 to $10,000 per month price point for Alzheimer’s (memory loss) assisted living, the new facility will offer a $5,300 per month price point.
“If a couple can spend less than $10,000 per month on care, that will be a big deal to make that money go further,” Hamlin-Landry said. “This is going to shake up the assisted living industry in New Hampshire.”
The new facility has generated much buzz in the community – Hamlin-Landry said she has been taking an average of 11 phone calls per day from Derry and Londonderry residents inquiring about availability.
“I think this is a great thing,” May said. “Most people want to live in their town; not necessarily the home they had and raised their family in, but they want to stay in their community.”
Hamlin-Landry said All American Assisted Living is scheduled to open in Londonderry in May 2016.
For more information about the facility, amenities and services, visit All American Assisted Living online at