Boards and Committees Looking For Volunteers to Fill Vacant Positions

For those out there looking to get involved in town government and make a difference in their community, the Town of Londonderry is currently looking for volunteers to fill in a variety of positions on its board and committees.

The Conservation Commission is looking to fill three full-time positions and one alternate position.  Meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, the commission serves to meeting with representatives of groups that seek out construction projects that pose a threat to local wetlands, as well as review Dredge & Fill applications. Furthermore, members are also tasked with preserving community orchards, open spaces and forests and providing educational information about natural resources in the community.

The Planning Board has two full-time openings currently available.  Members on the board meet on the first and second Wednesdays of the month to delve into any applications for construction projects submitted to the town, analyzing the site plan and questioning the representative for the application about the function and details of the project before making a final decision on whether or not to approve the application.

The Heritage Commission is looking to fill two full-time positions. This commission meets bi-monthly on the fourth Thursday of the month, overseeing the preservation of historical and cultural resources for Londonderry, as well as educating the public on matters of historical interest.

There is one full-time opening with the Londonderry Housing and Redevelopment Authority.  Meeting on the first Monday of the month, the group delves into stand-out matters concerning real estate redevelopment of areas throughout town, whether it be for the sake of fiscal significance or otherwise

One full-time position is currently open on the Recreation Committee. This committee meets on the second Monday of the month and works to make sure areas like the town’s skate park and baseball fields are kept in solid condition, not to mention that the groups that use it have the means to keep them presentable, such as lighting and grounds keeping equipment.

The Senior Resources Committee has one alternate position available.  Meeting on the third Tuesday of the month, the committee reviews and makes recommendations regarding existing services, programs and issues available to Londonderry’s elder residents.  It also identifies the need for and advocates additional services and programs which would support and promote financial and social independence.

One full-time position is currently open on the Traffic Safety Committee.  The committee meets quarterly on the first Monday of the month and addresses problems that the citizen’s bring before them to include road signage additions and traffic flow problems, while also upholding the standards of groups like the US Department of Transportation.

The Solid Waste and Environmental Committee currently has one full-time position open.  The committee meets on the second Monday of the month and works with the Environmental Services Division of the Public Works Department to manage Londonderry’s solid waste and help residents minimize waste and protect the local environment.  They also oversee the Beautify Londonderry program, where volunteers from around Londonderry help to clean up various areas in town during the spring.

Finally, the Zoning Board of Adjustments has one alternate position open.  The board meets on the third Wednesday and first Thursday whenever residents are currently looking to perform some sort of construction project, but are unable to do to a zoning ordinance preventing them.  Members of the board will then hear the individuals make their case and the zoning board will decide whether or not to make a specific exception to the ordinance without changing the ordinance itself.

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, November 29 at 4 p.m. to the Town’s Manager’s Office at Town Hall.  For the application form, go to, check the “Town News” section of the front page and click the “2018 Board/Committee Openings” link.  For more information, please contact Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Kirby Brown at (603) 432-1100 ext. 120 or