Category News

Temporary Signs Debated At Planning Board Meeting

Building Inspector Richard Canuel will rewrite some sections of a proposed ordinance change on temporary signs, following Planning Board discussion on the matter. Canuel brought a potential ordinance change request affecting temporary signs to the board at its May 1…

Temporary Signs Debated At Planning Board Meeting

Building Inspector Richard Canuel will rewrite some sections of a proposed ordinance change on temporary signs, following Planning Board discussion on the matter. Canuel brought a potential ordinance change request affecting temporary signs to the board at its May 1…

South Students Broadcast Healthy News on Local Cable TV

Twenty-one students from Jen Colantuoni’s homeroom class at South Elementary School went to the studios of Londonderry Community Access Television to put together news broadcasts relating to health and wellness issues. Rotating in four groups of five to six students…

Dental Services in Schools Recognized

The Greater Derry Oral Health Collaborative Corporation announces that based on a report released in January by the Pew Center for the States, New Hampshire and Maine are the only states with a perfect score in providing dental sealants for…

Few Seats Face A Challenge in March 12 Election

The March 12 election is near, and this year, many races are unopposed. Candidates for both School District and Town seats were asked why they chose to seek public office and whether they had ideas about why so few candidates…

Test Results Reviewed With Londonderry School Board

Assistant Superintendent of Schools Andrew Corey presented the school board with the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) results from the most recent testing last fall. He told the board at its Tuesday, Feb. 19 meeting, that reports were to…