The Conservation Committee is working on a plan to establish a parking lot for the Musquash Conservation Area. These plans were formalized about a year ago as part of a larger plan for improving the conservation areas in this town, according to Committee Chair Marge Badois,
Eversource is currently in the process of working on electric lines in town, and part of the process included having to cross a muddy area at the entrance to the Musquash. To bypass this, Eversource laid down gravel to make crossing the mud easier for their vehicles. Normally, they would remove the gravel when they complete their work, but the gravel happens to be in a perfect spot for some work that will be done later in the year, so the Conservation Committee told them to leave it.
In the winter, the Town Forester will be doing a maintenance timber cut in the area and will need to cross the same area as Eversource with his equipment. The loggers will create a landing area, an open area where they can load their logs on the trucks, in that same spot, which the Conservation Commission plans to use as a parking area for the Musquash entrance.
“Currently people are parking on the side of Hickory Hill Dive, in front of residents’ homes,” Badois said. “The parking area will alleviate the street parking.”
Since Eversource does not approve of parking under power lines, the construction of the parking lot will involve the creation of a driveway that goes to the other side of the power lines.
“The work done by Eversource and the loggers will help reduce the constructions costs for the parking area, but not by a huge amount,” Badois said.
The parking area will be made of gravel to provide proper drainage. This is all the Conservation Committee knows for certain about the project so far. According to Badois, before this project can begin, it will have to be put out for bids. At that time, the proposals by prospective contractors will need to be reviewed and funding for the project established.
“I anticipate the bidding process to occur this winter,” said Badois.