A revised Building Permit Fee Schedule is expected to make better use of the time spent by Building Inspector Richard Canuel and his staff.
Canuel appeared before the Town Council at its July 11 meeting to discuss revisions to the permitting fees.
Canuel told the Council he wanted to modify the Mechanical Permit Fee. He noted that in 2010, his department took over inspections from the Fire Department. At that time, there was a basic flat fee for mechanical equipment, which he kept.
Since that time, commercial and industrial development in Londonderry has increased, Canuel said. “There are larger buildings, more equipment, and it takes more time to approve them,” he said.
The current flat fee is $75, and Canuel said he proposed adding to the flat fee for each additional appliance. “We would maintain the basic $75 and add $10 for each piece of equipment,” he said.
In a typical multifamily residence of 16 units, with a water heater in each unit, the fee would be $75 under the current system, he said. Under the new system, his department would garner $225.
“This would better compensate us for our time,” Canuel said.
Canuel did a survey of neighboring towns and learned that Hudson would bring in $580 in fees for the same 16-unit building; Windham, $310; and Manchester, $1,659.
“This is not too out of line and would help us with our additional workload,” Canuel said.
No action was taken by the Council.