Council Updates Municipal Code for Sewage Disposal Systems

The Town Council approved with a 5-0 vote an amendment to the Town Ordinance related to individual sewage disposal systems.

“We’re in the process of cleaning up the structure of the Municipal Codes, and this is just the first of many to be amended,” Administrative Support Coordinator Steve Cotton said.

“This section of the code, when it was amended, was added as a tag-along to the existing section having to do with public sewer. It just didn’t fit there, so we have taken it out and added it as its own section in the ordinance,” Code Enforcement Officer Richard Canuel told the Council.

Additionally, Canuel noted some changes will bring the Ordinance into greater compliance with State requirements.

Cotton has also completed a number of updates to the online versions of town documents, the Town Charter and municipal codes, according to Town Manager Kevin Smith.

“I think people will find these documents a lot more user friendly, and they’re fully up-to-date online now,” he said.

In other business at Monday night’s meeting:

• The Council approved with a 5-0 vote to accept $362,490 in unanticipated revenues for grants and donations to various town departments.

The Fire Department was awarded a $500 wellness grant and a $26,350 grant for a generator; the Police Department also received a $500 wellness grant, as well as a $2,761 grant for seatbelt enforcement and $413 for an Alert instructor; the Finance Department received $328,518 for health care refunds; and local businesses donated targets and K-9 ballistic vests for the Police Department valued at $3,447.

• The Council approved with a 5-0 vote a $4,022 expenditure from the Expendable Maintenance Trust Fund for maintenance at the Town Hall and Senior Center, and exterior painting at the Senior Center.

• The Council approved with a 5-0 vote the expenditure of $3,500 from the Capital Reserve Fund for the removal of a dead maple tree in Glenwood Cemetery.