By Chris Paul
The 2024 Operating Budgets for both the town and the school district will be discussed in an open forum on Friday night and Saturday morning giving residents a final chance to make changes to a number of Warrant Articles before they are put on the ballot March 14.
The School District Deliberative will take place on Friday night, Feb. 10 starting at 7 p.m. in the Londonderry High School cafeteria and 11 articles will be discussed before being put on the ballot.
The Town Deliberative will take place the following morning, starting at 9 a.m. in the LHS cafeteria and 15 articles will be discusses.
Below is a summery of the articles being discussed.
SCHOOL District
Article 2: Special Article – District Wide Infrastructure Repair and Replacement: To raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000,000 for the design and construction of repairs and the replacement of the District’s HVAC systems, pump house and other infrastructure projects, including but not limited to, heating plant and boilers, air handling and ventilation equipment, energy recovery units, pneumatic controls, and security systems; and to authorize the issuance of $5,000,000 of bonds or notes. (Requires 3/5 Ballot Vote).
Article 3: Operating Budget. To raise and appropriate as an operating budget for the fiscal year 2023-24, not including appropriations by special warrant articles, or separate warrant articles, one of the following amounts.
Vote for one:
A. $85,436,043 (School Board Budget as amended)
(Estimated Tax Impact
B. $85,037,434 (Default Budget)
Article 4: Londonderry Custodians [AFSCME Local 1801] Bargaining Agreement. Vote to approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the School District and the Custodians (AFSCME Council 93/Local 1801), and further to raise and appropriate the sum of $160,486 for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Article 5: Authorization for Special Meeting on Cost Items. If Article 4 is defeated, to authorize the governing body to call a special meeting at its option to address Article 4 cost items only.
Article 6: School Lunch Program and Federal Fund Projects. To accept and receive federal grants and other such funds to support the school lunch program and federal projects.
Article 7: Non-Lapsing-Special Article-Improvements to Building Security. To raise and appropriate the sum of $350,000 for the purpose of improving School Wide security systems district wide.
Article 8: Special Article – Buildings and Grounds Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate the sum of $445,000 to be placed in the District Wide Buildings and Grounds Capital Reserve Fund established in March 2021 School District meeting for the purpose of the maintenance, construction, renovations, improvements and related professional services to all buildings, grounds, fields, substructures, and infrastructure to the overall property of the Londonderry School District.
Article 9: Special Article – District Technology Network Infrastructure Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate the sum of $125,000 to be placed in the School District Technology Network Infrastructure Capital Reserve Fund.
Article 10: Purchase of Computer Devices for Educational Purposes. To raise and appropriate up to the sum of $250,000 for the purchase and distribution of individual computer devices for students, with this sum to come from the June 30, 2023 fund balance available for transfer on July 1, 2023 and no amount to be raised by additional taxation.
Article 11: Special Article – Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate up to the sum of $80,000 to be placed in the School District Equipment Capital Reserve Fund established in 2013 for the purpose of funding the acquisition of minor on-going equipment and tools, such as but not limited to classroom furniture, technology, furniture, building maintenance equipment and tools, used in the School District.
Article 12: Special Article – Vehicle and Machinery Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate up to the sum of $73,500 to be placed in the Vehicle and Machinery Capital Reserve Fund established in March 2020 School District meeting to provide funds for the acquisition of vehicles and machinery.
Article 2: Amendment to Town Charter – Treasurer. To approve the charter amendment reprinted and summarized below: Section 5.7. Treasurer. There shall be a Town Treasurer (hereinafter called “Treasurer”) who shall have all the powers and duties granted by this Charter and State Law. The Treasurer shall be [elected on an at-large basis to a term of three (3) years at the Town Election] appointed by the Town Council upon recommendation of the Town Manager for a three (3)-year term. Vacancies in the office of Treasurer shall be filled pursuant to state law.
If the amendment is adopted, the Town Treasurer shall be appointed by the Town Council for a three (3)-year term instead of being elected for a three (3)-year term.
Article 3: 2024 Town Operating Budget. To raise and appropriate, as an operating budget, $40,594,648. Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be $40,595,374, which is the amount of the appropriations contained in the operating budget authorized for the previous fiscal year.
Article 4: Expendable Maintenance Trust Fund. To raise and appropriate the sum of $180,000 to be placed in the Town’s Expendable Maintenance Trust Fund for the purpose of repairing and maintaining town facilities and infrastructure and to authorize the use of $90,000 from the June 30 Unassigned Fund Balance towards this appropriation.
Article 5: Roadway Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund. To raise and appropriate $300,000 to be placed in the Roadway Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund.
Article 6: DPW Equipment/Vehicle Leases. To authorize the Town Manager to enter into up to a 10-year lease agreement in the amount of $670,000 for the purpose of leasing three six-wheel trucks and proper equipment and one Utility Pick-up Truck, and to raise and appropriate $85,000 for the first year’s payment for that purpose.
Article 7: Fire Department Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $100,000 to be placed in the Fire Equipment capital reserve fund and further to authorize the use of $50,000 from the June 30 Unassigned Fund Balance towards this appropriation.
Article 8: Pillsbury Cemetery Expansion Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate $75,000 to be placed in the Pillsbury Cemetery Expansion capital reserve fund and further to authorize the use of $25,000 from the June 30 Unassigned Fund Balance towards this appropriation.
Article 9: Information Technology Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate $25,000 to be placed in the Information Technology capital reserve fund.
Article 10: Recreation Department Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate $10,000 to be placed in the Recreation Department Capital Reserve Fund.
Article 11: Ratify a New Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Londonderry Police Employees Association and The Town of Londonderry.
To see if the Town will vote to approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Town of Londonderry and the Londonderry Police Employees Association.
And further, to raise and appropriate $337,506 for FY 2024 expenses, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits over those of the appropriation at the current staffing levels paid under any existing agreements. (Londonderry Police Employees Association represents 67 full-time and three part-time Police Department employees.
Article 12: Authorization for Special Meeting on Cost Items if Article 11 is defeated.
Article 13: Add Full-Time Library Technician. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $108,859 for the purpose of adding a full-time Library Technician to the Leach Library’s staff.
Article 14: Cable Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. To raise and appropriate $32,500 to be placed in the Cable Equipment capital reserve fund with funding to come from the annual distribution of Public Educational and Government Access programming from the current Franchise Agreement.
Article 15: To Determine Support on Water System Upgrades. To see if the Town supports the acquisition, construction and/or creation of a Town-wide drinking water system to be paid for through a combination of potentially available federal and state grants, bonds, and local taxation. This is a non-binding warrant article presented solely to assess the Town’s support for the creation of a Town-wide drinking water system and does not authorize an appropriation to begin the process to secure such a system.
Article 16: Transaction Of Other Business. To transact any other business that may legally come before this meeting.