Dunn Hopes to Form Committee For Rockingham County Area

At the two most recent Town Council meetings, Town Councilor, Ron Dunn, who also serves as a State Representative, discussed the potential of forming a committee to tackle different issues in Londonderry and in the area.
“The concerns in Londonderry regarding growth traffic, planning, and land use are factors we are all dealing with everyday,” Dunn said.
He said he was looking to form a committee to tackle some of the issues
“I’m looking at forming a committee with Rockingham County. This committee would look at best practices among communities in Rockingham County. We could learn from other towns that deal with similar issues, how they deal with the issues differently, similarly, or maybe how maybe they have a more productive way that they deal with their issues. This committee would focus specifically on areas of concern to take a deep dive into areas of how to address them,” Dunn said.
He explained that they all want local control and don’t want the State to take over saying “We all agree on that.”
“So we don’t want the State telling us how to run our town,” Dunn said.
Dunn explained that the Committee would allow them to learn more from other towns “on how they deal with specific laws or regulations.”
He explained that the way he envisions it is that anything that may need to be changed at the State level could be changed or repealed, then it could be presented to the Committee.
“We may find in the end that there is no action needed at the state level.” Dunn said.
Dunn explained that they would look at the different issues as a county “to figure out how to solve these problems together.”
During the Sept. 23 meeting, Planning Board Chair, Jake Butler, said, “I think it’s a really good idea,” in regards to the Committee saying a lot of the issues into the town’s Master Plan which they are currently in the process of updating. He said once they start getting more feedback from the community about what they are looking for then they would have a better sense of what they may want to have changed.
Town Councilor, Shawn Faber, said he thinks that the committee should also include other communities part of the 93 corridor including places like Windham, Pelham, and Hudson.
Dunn said if he is re-elected in November he would plan on submitting a bill right away when he is allowed to in order to allow them to have a Committee formed with Rockingham County representatives and others.
The next Town Council meeting is slated to take place on Oct. 21 beginning at 7 p.m.