By Chris Paul
A number of residents spoke to thank Councilor, Deb Paul, for her time on the board during the public comment section of the Monday night, March 6, meeting of the Town Council, .
Paul, who is also the publisher of the Londonderry Times, has chosen not to run for a second consecutive term in the March 14 election.
Resident, Martha Smith, was the first to speak on the subject, “I just wanted to thank her for her service. I think she’s done a good job for the residents of Londonderry. She has spoken out for voices that maybe aren’t heard very loudly and I appreciate all the work that she’s done.”
Resident, Ray Breslin, then added, “I for one certainly appreciate everything she’s done, I think she has tried to step up and speak for the citizens and I hope she’ll still be part of Londonderry.”
Resident, Kristine Perez, first read from a letter she brought from Monica Plourde then spoke for herself. Deb, as a mother and a taxpayer, I can say how truly blessed we have been to have you sit up there representing us. You have been the only Councilor to stand up for what is right and to speak against what is blatantly wrong. Bullies in this town have used their positions of personal relationships to come after you and your paper, the Londonderry Times. A paper that brings the community together with honest reporting. Yet some who are in this room have tried everything to shut it down…” Perez explained the letter she was reading vanished from her screen and she wasn’t able to finish.
Perez added, “Thank you Deb, for all you have done and continue to do for this community. Thank you for fighting for what is right and bringing some transparency to an otherwise very cloudy town government. Thank you for standing up, often alone, for true democracy. Thank you for continuing to fight for truth through the bullying, the mistreatment, and the blatent attempts to break you and silence you. You have been heard by many and hopefully change will prevail.”
Toward the end of the meeting, Paul told the board that she wished she had more time as a councilor, she explained that she felt her time was too short on the board, considering a year-and-a-half was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following day she added, “I wish I was able to serve another term, but the timing is not right currently. I’m hoping that health and time will improve in the future and I’ll be able to run for another term in the future.”
Also, after the meeting, Perez shared what she wasn’t able to read during the meeting, “…and outsource to other newspapers. You have to wonder why, but through every single battle, you stood up, stood in your truth, and never backed down to the corruption. When this council ignores taxpayers, you have been the shining light and given us hope that government can be good and honest again.
I don’t think people grasp the magnitude of what Deb brings to this town, and what she will continue to bring to this town. I am blessed to call you a good friend. We ride at dawn!”