The Global gas station on Nashua Road (Route 102) just west of exit 4 of Interstate 93 will be undergoing a renovation that will see the gas pumps realigned, a reduction in the number of pumps from 10 to eight, and the addition of a Dunkin’ Donuts with a drive-through window.
Developers plan to raze the existing 1,900-square-foot structure and construct an approximately 2,100-square-foot building.
MHF Design consultant Huseyin Sevincgil requested a waiver for the drain pipe to be 12 inches instead of the 15 inches required. He requested a waiver of the sight distance requirement of 365 feet due to the curvature of Hampton Drive. There will not be any sidewalks because there are none in existence now, and he sought a waiver of the requirement that 10 percent of the parking lot be landscaped, because one of the three lots is too constrained to be landscaped. Finally, a waiver was requested from the requirement not to exceed 0.2 percent foot-candles. For safety reasons the applicant requested a waiver at the entrances and other areas.
Town staff recommended the granting of all waivers.
Heather Monticup, project manager for Greenman-Pedersen, Inc., said traffic was looked at and there would be about 10 new trips added to the station. She said the drive through lane could accommodate that many cars.
Board member Jim Butler asked if the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) would be concealed and Sevincgil said it would be. The gas islands would be reconfigured and rotated 180 degrees
Board member Al Sypek asked about snow storage and Sevincgil said the snow will be along the landscaped perimeter of the property, and any excess snow would be taken off the property.
The board voted unanimously to grant all the waivers and to grant final approval of the site plan.