Hickey Resigns and Settles with Londonderry, Hired by Derry

Former Finance Director Sue Hickey has settled with the Town and is moving on to serve as Derry’s Chief Financial Officer.

Town Manager Kevin Smith confirmed Monday that he placed Hickey on administrative leave and advised her he was terminating her employment.

After exercising her right to a public hearing before the Town Council last week, however, Hickey withdrew her request Dec. 1, the day the hearing was scheduled, having reached an agreement with the Town regarding her separation from employment. The Town agreed that Hickey could resign effective Dec. 1, Smith said in an email.

“Because of her age, by law, there is a seven-day period in which Ms. Hickey can revoke the agreement,” Smith wrote in an email. “Once the seven days pass, on Dec. 12, the Town will make a copy of the agreement available to the public. Until then, the Town cannot make a statement because the matter remains a personnel matter.”

On Dec. 2, the Derry Town Council confirmed Hickey as the Town’s new Chief Financial Officer, and she signed a written agreement with the Town of Londonderry on Dec. 4.

Hickey earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and a Master’s of Business Administration degree from Southern New Hampshire University. She began her finance career as the Senior Accountant/ Auditor for Melanson Heath & Company, which is both Derry and Londonderry’s audit partner; and was subsequently hired as Goffstown’s Finance Director. In 2001, Hickey was hired to lead the Town’s Finance Department, most recently as Director of Finance and Administration.

Hickey served as Londonderry’s Finance Director starting Jan. 8, 2001. Her annual base salary as of July 1, 2014 was $116,194.

A paycheck issued from the Town of Londonderry to Hickey on the week of Nov. 26 showed a net amount of $280.24.

Hickey will begin work in Derry on Dec. 15 with a salary of $106,000, according to Derry Human Resources Director Larry Budreau.

Derry Town Administrator Galen Stearns said he was aware of the issues between Hickey and her former employer, but he could not see them having any bearing on her hiring or her performance in Derry.

“Her explanation to me was satisfactory,” he told the Nutfield News, the Londonderry Timess’ sister paper.

Calls to Hickey for comment were not returned.