Just For the Record

“The report of my death was an exaggeration,” Mark Twain wrote, after his cousin’s illness was mistakenly attributed to the well-known author. Rumors are easy to start and not so easy to stop.

So you might be pardoned for wondering about the future of your newspaper, only to find you were not getting all the facts. You probably haven’t heard about it, but the future of “Nutfield Publishing” has been an on and off obsession with neighboring newspapers and bloggers for a few years. But they all have failed to notice that Nutfield Publishing, LLC is the company that publishes the Londonderry Times, Nutfield News and Tri-Town Times. It is not the company that owns a building at 2 Litchfield Road in Londonderry. A building and a newspaper company are not one and the same.

And while the owners of both entities are part of the same family, the building does not produce your newspapers; it merely houses the office – the team – that does.

These days, most newspapers (ours included), are printed “remotely.” Computer files are sent electronically to a printing press many miles away. There is no printing press at 2 Litchfield Road, so we can produce our papers just about anywhere.

What all this means is that if you hear that “Nutfield Publishing” might have to leave its Londonderry building, it will not impact your local news.

We’re proud to have been preserving an historic building for nearly a decade, but if the newspaper had to move, it would not stop us from getting our communities word on all of the things happening in their towns. Our relocation would not change the fact that our readers will still need to be updated on town meetings they missed, election results, all of the things they get from their hometown news.

We’re not blind to the fact that in the age of digital media, print papers everywhere are having a rough go of it. As more and more people turn to the internet for their information, more advertisers will shift their focus to that audience. Perhaps in the near future your hometown news will move to digital, but for now our readership and demand is still with print, so in print we trust. There’s just something about having the paper in your hands that a screen can’t compete with. Maybe it is just a novelty in this day and age, but we know that a lot of our readers depend on the paper, so we will continue to produce, whatever it takes.  

Whatever transpires, these newspapers will remain locally owned and locally produced. Whatever the office address may be, wherever we are, we’re here for you.