The Londonderry Middle School is getting its roof replaced on the back part of the building, according to School District Facilities Director Chuck Zappala.
“They’re hopping over there and we’ve got probably 15 guys on the roof. They jumped in there right after school got out and they’ve got about half the roof torn up and the first layer replacement in,” Zappala said.
He said that the work on the middle school roof should be completed around the first week of August.
“They’ll have the main part of the roof done and for about a week or two after that they’ll be doing details with the edging, flashing, and that kind of thing,” Zappala said.
Zappala said that the funds to do the work are coming from the recently passed $4 million maintenance bond and that all the roofing projects, including the middle school, high school and Moose Hill School, will be completed over three years. He said the project’s total budget was for $2.1 million, and that the winning bid came from A. W. Therrien at about $40,000 under budget.
Zappala said that Therrien has been the low bidder on roofing projects for about the last 10 years, and that when North School had flooding because of a roofing issue, Therrien was on site within 45 minutes.
Londonderry’s other schools are also seeing some maintenance work of late.
Engineering work for a new parking lot at the middle school has already begun, Zappala said, and the lot should be paved next summer.
“We’re going to bid that out probably late winter or early spring and they’ll be jumping in there doing that parking lot when school gets out next June,” Zappala said.
Zappala said that the district was in really good shape with North School and South School.
The only thing at North is some warranty work that they are doing but there’s no cost to the district.
Most of the work was concentrated in the central part of town. “We will be putting in an expansion joint at North School because of the flood that happened a couple of months ago. It’s not part of the bond. We’re spending about $5,500 and that comes out of our regular repair account. The expansion joint that we’re putting in, if we do have a heavy rain like we did, we won’t have any issues again,” Zappala said.
Zappala said that there are several other projects going on over the summer, paid from the maintenance trust and district construction funds, not the $4 million bond. They include Matthew Thornton parking lot renovations, emergency generators in the middle school and district offices, air conditioning units at Matthew Thornton and the middle school, window replacement at the high school, refinishing gym floor at the high school, new floor tile at the middle school, computer room renovations at the high school and middle school, repairs to heating pipes at the high school and South School, electrical upgrades at the middle school, and transformer replacement at the high school.
District wide, all schools are getting security upgrades, carpet replacement, painting, bathroom renovations, door and hardware replacements, and plumbing repairs.