Life for senior citizens can have its ups and down. Physically or financially, may face numerous challenges while living their day-to-day lives. Londonderry town staff recognizes this, and offer a number of programs and services that can make life easier for elderly residents in town. Here are some of these services that are provided through the Senior Affairs Department.
For those suffering financially, Londonderry offers a number of options that help alleviate these problems. They can take advantage of Greater Derry Community Health Services. Located on 14 Tsienneto Road, the group assists all residents struggling in one fashion or another; but seniors are more than welcome to take advantage of these services as well. The group provides assistance for behavioral health issues, free case management (that allows you to explore what programs are best for you and your family), emergency aid, and community health initiatives. Town staff also recommends that you take advantage of the Fuel Assistance Program through the Community Action Program in Salem. Funded federally through Community Action offices in New Hampshire, those interested can call 893-9172 on Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to see if they qualify.
There are also a wide range of other services that can make getting through the day easier for seniors. There is the Servicelink Resource Center. It helps aging residents establish connections with health care professionals, receive options about counseling, find caregivers, and understand their Medicare and Medicaid options. The Rockingham Community Action Program that can provide fuel and electric assistance programs, as well as help with senior housing. The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program can help elderly communities organize neighborhood watches, assist victims of natural disasters, and tutor and mentor disadvantaged or disabled youth. The Rockingham Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) and Hospice provide home and hospice care for those in the last stages of their lives. The Center for Life Management specializes in helping cope with the numerous emotional issues that can plague elderly residents. Resident can use a series of websites that may help locate sources for elder care, assisted living communities, and independent living communities.
For commuting around town and beyond, the Cooperative Alliance for Regional Transportation, helps all residents, including seniors, travel around the towns of Chester, Derry, Hampstead, Salem and Londonderry. For more information on these services, go to and access the Senior Affairs Department through the “Departments” tab near the top of the screen.