Londonderry Times
Total Number of Voters 2,097
Town Election Results
Town Council
John Farrell 1,183 (WINNER)
Tom Dolan 1,139 (WINNER)
Ted Combes 1,020
Supervisor of the Checklist
Kristen Grages 59 (WINNER)
Curtis Litterer 29
Robert Mahoney 11
Kathy Wagner 9
Town Moderator
Bob Saur 1,649 (WINNER)
Budget Committee
Christine Patton 1,444 (WINNER)
Donald Moskowitz 1,289
Leach Library Trustees
Pauline Caron 1,560 (WINNER)
John A Curran 1,499 (WINNER)
Robert J Collins 1,453 (WINNER)
Town Treasurer
Kathy Wagner 786 (WINNER)
Melanie Tamburello 213
Chris Litterer 48
Robin Skudlarek 17
Town Article 2
To raise and appropriate $210,000 to be placed in the Town’s Expendable Maintenance Trust Fund, with funds to come from the June 30 Fund Balance. The article has no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,723 (PASSED)
No 288
Town Article 3
To raise and appropriate $29,591,028 as the Town’s operating budget, not including appropriations by special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately. If the article is defeated, the default budget is $29,594,363. If passed, the article will require the Town to raise $17,924,670 in property taxes, resulting in a tax rate impact of $4.87 based upon projected assessed values.
Yes 1,425 (PASSED)
No 575
Town Article 4
To raise and appropriate $494,678 to fund Police Outside Details, to come from the Police Outside Detail Special Revenue Fund. The services are funded through user fees and the Article would have no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,637 (PASSED)
No 399
Town Article 5
To raise and appropriate $6,307,524 to defray the cost of construction, payment of the interest on any debt incurred, management, maintenance, operation and repair of constructed sewer systems. The fund will not accumulate from year to year and will not be commingled with town tax revenues, and the fund will be deemed part of the municipality’s general fund accumulated surplus, all in accordance with RSA 149-I. The services are funded through user fees and have no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,670 (PASSED)
No 359
Town Article 6
To raise and appropriate $38,000 resurface the Town’s basketball and tennis courts on Nelson Road, with said funds to come from the June 30 unassigned fund balance. The Article would have no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,654 (PASSED)
No 387
Town Article 7
To raise and appropriate $650,000 to be placed in the Roadway Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund, with said funds to come from the June 30 Unassigned Fund Balance. The Article would have no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,782 (PASSED)
No 251
Town Article 8
To raise and appropriate $350,000 for improvements to the Londonderry Senior Center, with funds to come from the June 30 Unassigned Fund Balance. The Article has no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,736 (PASSED)
No 316
Town Article 9
To raise and appropriate $724,000 to be placed in the following capital reserve funds: Highway Trucks, $50,000; Highway Heavy Equipment, $30,000; Fire Equipment, $149,000; Fire Trucks, $380,000; Pillsbury Cemetery Expansion, $75,000; and GIS, $40,000. The funds are to come from the June 30 Undesignated Fund Balance and the Article would have no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,706 (PASSED)
No 337
Town Article 10
To raise and appropriate $350,000 to expand the Route 102 sewer system from Home Depot to the intersection of Mammoth Road, with those funds to come from the June 30 Unassigned Fund Balance.
Yes 1,609 (PASSED)
No 426
Town Article 11
To, pursuant to the provisions of RSA 79-A:25 IV, place annually the first $100,000 from the Land Use Change Tax and 40 percent the remainder of the revenues received from the Land Use Change Tax in the Conservation Fund and 60 percent of the remainder of the revenues in the General Fund. The Article would not change the formula being used to distribute Land Use Change Tax.
Yes 1,418 (PASSED)
No 564
Town Article 12
To authorize the transfer of all supervision, management duties and responsibilities of the land surrounding the Town Common and fronting on Mammoth Road and Pillsbury Road, which is sometimes referred to as the Town Forest, from the Conservation Commission to the Town Manager, with the advice and recommendations from the Historic District/Heritage Commission, Conservation Commission and Town Council. The Article has no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,488 (PASSED)
No 527
Town Article 13
To raise and appropriate $50,000 to establish an addiction and counseling program for families in need, with the funds to come from the June 30 Fund Balance and to be placed in the general fund.
Yes 1,593 (PASSED)
No 411
Town Article 14
To raise and appropriate $0 to reestablish the Family Mediation Program for Londonderry families in need. The article would result in a tax rate impact of $.01.
Yes 1,598 (PASSED)
No 396
Town Article 15
To recommend the Town Council propose an amendment to the Town Charter to set term limits on all non-land use boards, non binding on the Town Council. The Article has no tax rate impact.
Yes 1,108 (PASSED)
No 830
School District Election Results
School Board
Jenn Ganem 1,135 (WINNER)
John H Laferriere 689
School Moderator
Cindi Rice Conley 1,661 (WINNER)
School Clerk
Mary Wing Soares 1,620 (WINNER)
School Treasurer
John Conley 1,628 (WINNER)
School Article 2
To raise and appropriate as an operating budget for the FY2016-2017 school year, not including appropriations by special warrant articles, the School Board’s amended budget of $70,778,003 (estimated tax impact is $13.60) or the Default Budget of $70,932,073 (estimated tax impact is $13.65).
Yes 1,749 (PASSED)
No 241
School Article 3
To accept and receive federal grants and other such funds to support the school lunch program and federal projects; further to raise and appropriate such funds in a special revenue fund—school lunch program, $1,546,577; and federal projects, $1,389,000; for an estimated total appropriation of $2,935,577. The funds are self-supporting through local, state or federal revenue sources. There is no tax impact.
Yes 1,803 (PASSED)
No 233
School Article 4
To raise and appropriate $500,000 for the School Buildings Maintenance Expendable Trust Fund, previously established and approved at the March 1995 School District Meeting. The funds would be used for major one-time capital costs for District facilities, including a digital camera upgrade for video security at a cost of $30,000; an emergency generator at a cost of $65,000; field improvements at a cost of $160,000; and LED lighting retrofits at a cost of $40,000. The tax impact is $.14 cents.
Yes 1,513 (PASSED)
No 522
School Article 5
To raise and appropriate $100,000 for the School District Equipment Capital Reserve Fund, established in 2013 to provide funds to procure essential small equipment for classrooms, offices, technology and buildings and grounds. The sum is to come from the June 30, 2016 fund balance available for transfer on July 1, 2016. There is no tax impact.
Yes 1,684 (PASSED)
No 343
School Article 6
To raise and appropriate $300,000 to fund the necessary costs to improve the School District’s network infrastructure including wireless capabilities to address the curriculum and administrative needs of the School District. The appropriation would be non-lapsing until all necessary infrastructure improvements are completed or by June 2020, whichever is sooner. The estimated tax impact is $.08 cents.
Yes 1,482 (PASSED)
No` 537
School Article 7
To amend the Londonderry School District Charter to remove the quorum requirement for amendments at the School District Meeting by amending relevant sections of the Charter.
Yes 1,278 (PASSED)
No 688