Master Plan Group Urge Residents to Take Survey

The town of Londonderry is in the process of updating the town’s Master Plan, and in addition to holding meetings through the Master Plan Steering Committee, the Committee is hoping to get input from the community through an online survey.
“Regardless of your age, we all have ideas for our Community’s future,” a post on the town’s website from last week stated. “Londonderry’s Master Plan Steering Committee began their outreach in asking what people think about Londonderry’s future growth at Londonderry’s Old Home Day event. Now we’re asking residents and business owners to participate in a short survey about land use, housing, and big-picture issues.”
The Master Plan was last updated in 2013, and according to the Master Plan website it is a “Town’s vision for the future.”
“It captures data, trends, and community insights to establish long-term priorities for growth, conservation, and redevelopment,” the description from the Master Plan website states, “By charting a course for the future, a master plan can help our community better prepare for and respond to changes in a manner that aligns with local values. Londonderry’s last master plan was adopted in 2013, so it’s time for an update!”
It is noted that while a master plan is “not legally binding in itself, it is a required document for communities to adopt local ordinances such as zoning codes, capital improvement programs, subdivision and site plan regulations, and growth management ordinances. The master plan will be regularly used by town staff and officials who are engaged in these efforts.”
According to the survey summary, it is expected to take about five minutes to complete asking a variety of different questions.
Some of the questions are biographical, such as whether or not you are a full-time resident or not, what part of town you live in, and what kind of housing you live in.
Another part of the survey focuses on community vision.
One of the questions asks, “When considering the future of Londonderry, what would you like the town to be known for?”
A different portion of the survey asks about land use, asking residents “Please indicate your level of concern on how the following elements might impact Londonderry.”
Some of the possible responses include 1-93 Expansion, increased traffic, and growth and development to name a few.
Housing is also a question part of the survey asking survey takers “How needed are the various types of housing in Londonderry?”
During the latest meeting, it was determined that families from throughout the community stopped by the Master Plan booth during Old Home Day.
It was also stated that there have only been 30 surveys filled out.
Members also stated that the survey would not be the only outreach being used for community involvement.
Those interested in taking the survey can visit>.