Matthew Thornton Celebrates Its’ 75th Anniversary

Matthew Thornton Elementary School students and staff celebrated the school’s anniversary last week on the date it officially opened it door to students in 1949. On Thursday afternoon, March 7, Matthew Thornton held an assembly recognizing the date and inviting a number of guest with ties to the school over the years. Past Principals Carol Mack and Jim Elephante were at the event, along with a number of retired teachers, some that had given over 40-years to the school. School Board members and Superintendents were also present at the assembly. Certificates were given to each of the guest for their participation in the event. Members of the Londonderry Historical Society were invited and helped with some of the historic facts given during a presentation by Principal Amity Small and Kelly Cowen. The school chorus performed and a birthday cake was presented to Paws the Tiger to end the celebration. Photos by Chris Paul