More than $20,000 Spent in Winter Maintenance, Repairs

Town Manager Kevin Smith outlined to the Town Council the amount of $20,419.47 taken from the Expendable Maintenance Trust Fund for several projects ranging from winter maintenance to repairs.

“We have a number of projects for winter maintenance at the Town Hall, Police Department, Leach Library and the cable access building during a number of snow events that we’ve had over the past couple of months, totaling $5, 442.50,” Smith said at Monday night’s meeting.

The dates include the period Dec. 17 through Feb. 10 and include labor and materials for snow and ice treatment at the various buildings.

Smith said winter maintenance at the Senior Center cost $2,570 for snow removal and parking lot/walkway ice treatment and plowing on dates from Jan. 22 through Feb. 21.

The expenditures also include preventive maintenance on a mixing valve and expansion tank at the north fire station, totaling $1,296; and general maintenance and painting of the garage bay ceiling at the Department of Public Works (DPW) garage, with DPW employees supplying the labor and a total cost of $410.97.

Smith said the ceiling did not supply a sufficient amount of light, and existing fixtures were replaced for $4,610.

“Currently there is no light over the main entrance door, creating a safety hazard for the employees during nighttime operations,” he said of the DPW garage. “They have mercury vapor and halogen lighting, and this request was to add an LED fixture over the main entrance door and to replace the existing floods with LED technology, which increases the illumination in the work area. The cost was $2,490.”

Smith added that ice build-up on the roof was excessive at the Access Center and had to be removed before it caused interior damage. The cost was $3,600.

The Council approved the expenditures unanimously.

In other Council business:

• Resident Kent Allen said the issue of liability regarding the clean-up of the Town Forest can be avoided if ALERT (A Londonderry Emergency Response Team) was officially “called out” and training time used to remove brush and downed trees.

He claimed any injuries would be covered under workers compensation.

Town Council Chairman John Farrell asked if Finance Director Sue Hickey had said ALERT was covered by insurance and Allen said she told him ALERT would be if called out.

Smith said he had not had an opportunity to discuss the matter with Hickey.

Administrative Support Coordinator Steve Cotton said what Allen was saying was correct.

Farrell said there would be some “checking into it” and asked Smith to look into it.

• Smith said he understood from talking with Fire Chief Darren O’Brien that the cost figures for the Londonderry Fire Department dispatch in handling Hampstead Fire’s dispatch weren’t in yet but the necessary upgrades to Londonderry’s computer system would be paid mostly by Hampstead. Hampstead has contracted with Londonderry to provide dispatch. Any extra cost can be absorbed by the FY 15 budget, Smith said.

• Police Chief William Hart said a new truck was needed by the police department to plow the parking lot and for other uses. He said the current truck had served its life span.

“We’ve been told that it won’t pass inspection and it will cost several thousand dollars to repair it,” Hart said.

He is requesting a new truck at $22,773, with $13,273 coming from the Vehicle Expendable Maintenance Trust Fund and the balance of $9,500 from the Police Department Capital Lease Line.

The Town Council approved the purchase unanimously.