Most School Warrant Articles Sent To Ballot Unchanged

A number of warrant articles were sent to the ballot during the Feb. 10 School District Deliberative Session without any debate.
One of those warrant articles was for the School Lunch Program and Federal Fund Projects.
The warrant article reads: “Shall the voters of the Londonderry School District vote to accept and receive federal grants and other such funds to support the school lunch program and federal projects; further to raise and appropriate such funds in a special revenue fund as follows: school lunch program, $2,041,000; and federal projects, $1,631,000; for a total appropriation of $3,672,000 such funds to be self-supporting through local, state or federal revenue sources?”
School Board member, Amanda Butcher, explained that there are benefits to students and families, as well as the community with the warrant article.
“Accepting these funds allow us to support low income families by providing free or reduced cost breakfast and lunches,” she said.
Another warrant article is for the Buildings and Grounds Capital Reserve Fund.
The warrant article states: “Shall the voters of the Londonderry School District vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $220,000 to be placed in the District Wide Buildings and Grounds Capital Reserve Fund established in March 2021 School District meeting for the purpose of the maintenance, construction, renovations, improvements and related professional services to all buildings, grounds, fields, substructures, and infrastructure to the overall property of the Londonderry School District? The fund shall provide the funding source for all equipment, structures, professional services, machinery, and materials, necessary to sustain efficiency, safety, of the District’s buildings, grounds, and infrastructure and subsurface that meet the needs of the School District.”
The warrant article would have an estimated tax impact of $0.02.
It was explained that the plan with the funds this year is $130,000 for the roof overcoat at South School, $50,000 to replace the domestic hot water system at Matthew Thornton, $117,000 for the South School fire alarm system replacement, $97,000 for the fire alarm panel at Matthew Thornton, and $40,000 for playground repairs at South School.
Article 9 is for the District Technology Network Infrastructure Capital Reserve Fund.
The article reads: “Shall the voters of the Londonderry School District vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $125,000 to be placed in the School District Technology Network Infrastructure Capital Reserve Fund established in March 2019 School District meeting to provide funds for equipment and services for the school district network infrastructure such as, but not limited to, routers, wiring, switches, access points, wireless network improvements or any other equipment software or service that is necessary for the maintenance, improvement, performance or management of the district’s network?”
The warrant would have an estimated tax impact of $0.02.
School Board member, Kevin Gray, explained that it’s not for the devices and it’s only for the hardware and software needed to “support all buildings in the district.”
Article 10 is for the Equipment Capital Reserve Fund which states:
“Shall the voters of the Londonderry School District vote to raise and appropriate up to the sum of $120,000 to be placed in the School District Equipment Capital Reserve Fund established in 2013 for the purpose of funding the acquisition of minor on-going equipment and tools, such as but not limited to classroom furniture, technology, furniture, building maintenance equipment and tools, used in the School District, with this sum to come from the June 30, 2024 fund balance available for transfer on July 1, 2024 and no amount to be raised by additional taxation?”
Since funds would be coming from the end of the year fund balance there wouldn’t be any tax impact.