North School Team Wins Annual Battle of the Books

The three Londonderry Elementary Schools sent teams of fifth-graders to represent them at the annual Battle of the Books, and this year, the contingent from North School was able to topple Matthew Thornton’s three-year-reign for the number one spot. Each school had about 14 books to read over the course of the year and the battle was set up like a spelling bee, asking teams to recall information from the books where points were given for correct answers and spelling the title completely and correctly. North and South were tied through two of the three rounds, but pulled ahead in the final round with 79-points. The other two teams had 71-points each, for a close finish. Members of the winning team, pictured top left, were: William McCurley, CJ Rouselle, Grace Richards, Emily Hamilton, and Ilanna Monaco. Photos by Chris Paul