Plans for a Gate on “Old” Mammoth Road Proposed

By Chris Paul

Traffic concerns at the intersection of Mammoth, Page, and Grenier Field roads were addressed once again at the Traffic Safety Committee meeting in July and the result was to move the issue forward to the Town Council where they could weigh the merits of installing a gate to stop cut-through traffic.
The intersection, located on what is commonly referred to as “Old” Mammoth Road, in the Londonderry “Village”, has been of concern by area residents for a number of years has been discussed several times by the Traffic Safety Committee.
Londonderry’s Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, John Trottier, was asked to examine the issues and come up with possible solutions to the problem, he shared his results with those attending the meeting.
Trottier explained a number of possible solutions to the problem at the busy intersection.
One solution would involve new striping on the road and would not require any road construction. He said the striping would act as a traffic calming solution that would slow traffic down. This solution would also involve new signage.
Another plan was to make three-way stops all along the corridor leading to the intersection. This solution would not require any pavement alterations and each intersection along that section of Mammoth Rd., would have three-way stop signs added. There would be stops created at Buckthorn Street, Foxglove St., Weymouth, Hall, and Sanborn roads.
The third solution involved the installation of two speed tables (Speed Bumps), one near the Rail Trail Crossing and one closer to the intersection of Page.
Trottier also told the committee that the town had looked into closing Mammoth Road at the southern entrance back in 2015 when they were constructing a pumping station, but found it to be unfeasible due to construction costs and traffic issues that would be created.
He also talked about the idea of making the intersection a four-way stop again, installing an overhead traffic light and a gate on Mammoth Road.
His recommendation was to just stripe the road with double yellow and white stripping along “Old” Mammoth.
Mammoth Road resident, Eric Morin, spoke on the solutions, saying that he liked what was proposed, the striping and the stop signs would help, “Maybe not that many of them,” he added. He thought the traffic tables would definitely slow traffic down. “If we had two of those, it would solve 90% of the problems.”
He also noted that commuter traffic going to the airport area in the morning and in the afternoon is a large part of the problem as well as speed. He added that people use his road as a way to avoid the stoplight on Rockingham Road.
Resident, Robin Stewart, also spoke on the problems along her road, saying that lines on the road wouldn’t help with the speed people are traveling.
She mentioned that the Rail Trail has lots of kids crossing the road without looking. “It’s like you’re asking for something fatal to happen.”
Stewart also expressed concerns with trucks backing down the road and parking along the road.
She thinks the only solution is to close the road on one side.
Town Council Chairman, John Farrell, who was attending the meeting, suggested that the residents of the area put together a petition to express to the Council that they want a gate installed to close the road.
Resident, Steve Kelly, also felt the only solution would be a gate closing off the village area.
The town’s main concern to the gate was truck turning. Trottier thought it would create a problem with the local business located near the rail trail.
Robert Labreux of Hall Road, disagreed with the gate solution, saying he uses Mammoth to go north to Manchester and a gate would cause more issues than solutions. He felt lining the roads would be a big benefit to the area.
Brian Mead said he has been coming to the meetings since 2018 and the issue has continued to be tabled since then to now. “I’m looking for a timeline.” Saying this committee has just been kicking the can down the road and getting nothing accomplished.
Town Manager, Mike Malaguti, interjected and he felt the Safety Committee has reached the end of what they are able to do with this problem and felt that citizens need to bring this to the Town Council for the solution.
He felt the gate solution would be the only solution to both the speed issues and the cut-through traffic headed to and from the airport.
Malaguti said the Safety Committee should recommend to the Council that they come up with a solution to the problem through discussions with residents of the area, the Department of Public Works, Fire, and Police.