Pool Committee Meets and Determines its Goals

The newly established Londonderry Town Pool Study Committee met for the first time last week and has been charge with researching and making recommendations to the Town Council on the feasibility, interest and need for a town pool in the community.

The town had 12 residents apply to be on the committee and the spots were filled based on the order in which those residents contacted the town.

Community members that were will be on the committee include, Sy Tebbets, Laura Pallotta, who will act as Secretary, Noelle Bristol, Cheryl Haas and Debbie Johnson. Jen Kenney is the alternate member and Londonderry Assistant Town Manager/Personnel Director, Lisa Drabik, will be the chair of the committee. Al Sypek will represent the Planning Board and Glenn Douglas will be representing the Recreation Committee.

During the first meeting, those in attendance were asked to research town’s in the state that have pools. The towns are Bedford, Amherst, Milford, Dover, Goffstown and Merrimack.

Of those towns, they were also tasked with obtaining information about:

  • Town Population.
  • Is the pool town-owned and town-run, or managed by another organization (i.e., local YMCA).
  • Initial cost? How was it funded? (Warrant article, grants, etc.).
  • Ongoing costs-what is/ are the annual budget line(s) (maintenance, utilities, employees, etc.)
  • Size of pool. Is it indoor or outside?
  • Capacity of pool.
  • Dates of use (when does it open and close for the season?)
  • Is the pool heated?
  • Operating hours during the season.
  • Residents only, or open to non-residents? What are the rules in that regard (i.e. non-resident must be accompanied by resident, etc.)?
  • Any public usage data. (Totals; Resident vs. Non-resident, etc.)
  • Usage fees. How do they work? (Pay-per-use, season passes, family passes, etc.)
  • Do you employ lifeguards? How many? Are they Town employees? Starting hourly rate?
  • What else borders the pool – i.e., changing rooms, restrooms, concessions, park(s)
  • Is the pool just “the pool” or is part of a larger athletic or town complex?
  • Do you also have a kiddie pool or designated “kiddie pool area” in the larger pool?
  • Do you derive any income from the pool in addition to resident usage fees- i.e. swim lessons, swim teams/meets, etc.? Concessions?
  • How big is the parking lot adjacent to the pool area?

During the Town Council meeting on Monday night, Oct. 1, Drabik mentioned to the council that a number of $2.5 million was somehow associated with the cost of pool construction in Londonderry through an article in the Londonderry Times. She wanted to point out that there has yet to be any construction costs associated with the town pool yet.

The next meeting will be Oct. 18.

Editors note: The number that was reported in the Sept. 27 issue of the Londonderry Times was a number brought up at the Recreation Commission meeting, it was actually $3.5 million and was in reference to a possible new pool in Goffstown.