Proposed Change in Access for Perkins Road Workforce Housing

The Planning Board has continued a public hearing on amending the site plan for a proposed 240-unit workforce housing development on Perkins Road.

Located right off Exit 5 of Interstate 93, the proposed development features 10 garden-style buildings, a clubhouse, a pool and a manager’s office.

Attorney Jay Leonard, who is representing Wallace Farm, LLC, said the developer hopes to move forward with the construction of an access on Perkins Road, as originally approved by the Planning Board; but, having run into difficulty obtaining an easement from the abutting hotel to cut across the property, Leonard said his client is seeking approval for an alternative access at 62 Perkins Road, about 200 feet south of the approved access, coming up Perkins Road.

“There are no changes to the plan except the changes to relocate the access,” he said.

The proposed alternative access would also require a waiver to lighting regulations to ensure the access is safely illuminated, which would result in a small amount of added light within the proposed right of way.

Leonard assured the Board the access directly across from Vista Ridge is their preferred plan for the site, and they will continue working to secure the easement so that construction can move forward as initially planned.

Planning Board members expressed concern that the alternative route will create issues for abutters – primarily, for the neighbor whose driveway would be located directly across the street from the proposed access.

Member Chris Davies suggested shifting the access closer to Vista Ridge Drive to move it away from the paved driveway directly across the street, but Leonard said it’s not a viable option.

“Both abutters’ houses are below grade, so the lights are going right into their living rooms,” member Lynn Wiles said. “I would like to hear what the abutters have to say. And this would need some sort of mitigation plan, too, to keep the lights from shining in their windows.”

Leonard said his client has not yet spoken with abutters about the alternative access.

With no abutters to address the proposed change, the Board continued the public hearing to its Aug. 12 meeting and asked Leonard to reach out to and work with abutters to address any concerns in advance of the next meeting.

Notice of the public hearing at the Board’s July 8 meeting is the only notice the Town will issue.

Abutters are encouraged to attend the Aug. 12 meeting to express concerns or recommendations related to the proposed alternative access.