Rabbit Population in Londonderry Still a Challenge for Fish and Game

The Musquash conservation area here in Londonderry is filled to the brim with many animals that help give life and energy to the Musquash.  However, not all of these areas have managed to maintain their ability to provide these animals with suitable habitats to survive, in particular, rabbits.

For this reason, the Londonderry Conservation Commission has been working with the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department as of late to remedy this situation, the progress of which was delved into during the commission’s most recent meeting on Oct. 10 at Town Hall.

New Hamphrire Fish and Game representative Heidi Holman was one of the two people to meet with the commission to discuss the five areas that they are focusing on in town to help rebuild the rabbit populations, all of which are projects that have been approved by the Town Council.

Namely, these five areas include Cooper Lot, David Drive and three portions of the Musquash. Cooper Lot has already been most completed at this point, with only a review of the area and finalized site plan necessary to finish the project. Overall, reproduction is still occurring throughout the area, with recent studies noting that more young rabbits have been noted throughout the population.

“It’s still doing well; as well as it can, due to pieces of it being developed here and there”, Holman noted.

Holman also mentioned that two master’s students out of the University of New Hampshire are also working in this area to further study the behavior of the rabbit population.

Davis Drive is scheduled to be completed in around the next four years, with vegetation regrowth being monitored in order to see if more measures need to be taken to further assist the habitat.

As for the Musquash, most work is still in the planning phase, with only one portion currently being studied.

Holman was not alone in her efforts, however, as she also took time to introduce the other NH Fish and Game representative, Melissa Doperalski.

Doperalski will be working for the department for the next three years as a part of a grant provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service.  She has already been working closely with towns and foresters across New Hampshire to assist in efforts to preserve various wildlife habitats.

Doperalski was adamant to note that the costs of these projects will be strictly covered by various regional funds instead of forcing Londonderry to cover the costs.