A handful of residents have filed their intent to run for open Town and School District positions in the Town’s March 8 election.
As of Tuesday, Jan. 26, incumbents Tom Dolan and John Farrell, and Edward Combes had filed to run for two three-year positions on the Town Council.
Pauline Caron, Robert J. Collins and John A. Curran have filed to run for re-election as Trustees of the Leach Library, all three-year terms.
Additionally, Christine Patton and Donald Moskowitz are running for two open positions on the Budget Committee, both three-year terms.
A six-year term as Supervisor of the Checklist and a three-year term as Town Moderator are also open.
On the School District side, incumbent John Laferriere and newcomer Jenn Ganem have filed for the one open position on the School Board.
Also open are positions as School District Clerk, School District Moderator and School District Treasurer.
Candidates for all of the above offices must file by 5 p.m. Friday in the Town Clerk’s Office during business hours for Town positions, or with Mary Soares for School District positions (call 247-1679 to make an appointment).
For more information, contact Town Clerk Sherry Farrell at 432-1100, Ext. 195, or by email at sfarrell@londonderrynh.org.