By Chris Paul
On Tuesday, March 14, voters will have the opportunity to choose two of the five Londonderry Town Council members for a three-year term.
There will be one incumbent running, one former Town Council member, and three challengers. Debra Paul, whose term expires after the election, will not be running for re-election.
The Londonderry Times asked each candidate two questions: What would be your top priority if elected? Name one goal you would like to achieve?
The paper hopes that their responses will give voters a better idea of whom each of the five candidates are. They are listed in alphabetical order.
Ted Combes
My top priority if I am elected is to help drive new ideas to bring more businesses to Londonderry, small and large. The only real way to reduce tax burden on homeowners in Londonderry is with Commercial and Industrial taxes. Some people may not want the businesses in town, but on the other hand people do not want to see our tax rate creep up.
One goal I would like to achieve would be to work with the Town Manager to find ways that Londonderry Planning and Engineering Departments can streamline projects coming to town. I hear a lot that it is very costly to bring a project forward in Londonderry, between time, engineering fees, and lawyer fees compared to other towns around us. We should all be working towards finding ways to bring business to town, and not make things harder.
Londonderry has many services it provides it’s towns people, from the Police, Fire and DPW Departments, If we want to keep the wonderful services our departments provide we need to keep funding them, and find ways to generate more revenue for today and for future generations.
Ron Dunn
My name is Ron Dunn and I am running for Town Council. I am currently one of your State Representatives in Concord and am an elected member of the Londonderry Budget Committee. I am a member of the Londonderry Solid Waste and Environmental Committee, a member of the Londonderry Utility Committee, I was appointed to the HB737 PFAS Commission, a member of the National PFAS Coalition, and part of the Londonderry, NH Concerned Citizens for Clean Water and a graduate of the 2021 Leadership Londonderry class.
My number one priority would be to help the town create a water plan so that we can apply for grants. Many other towns in NH have received money for their water issues because they have a water plan already. Unless we have a water plan, we cannot apply for these grants. Our PFAS issues need to be addressed and resolved. If we have the ability to get money from the State or Federal Government, we should be pursuing this for the taxpayers. This PFAS problem here in Londonderry should not fall entirely on the taxpayers. We need to develop a solution for our town that will not cause the taxpayer to bear the burden for this situation caused by corporate polluters.
My goal is to inform and educate all residents of Londonderry regarding the serious health effects of PFAS and how this forever chemical is not safe in any amount.
Unfortunately, many still are not aware of this serious health issue of these forever chemicals. In speaking with residents, far too many still don’t know about the PFAS issue. I can bring new fresh ideas and a way to communicate those ideas to all residents of Londonderry. I am the best person to address the PFAS issue because myself and my family are personally affected by this problem.
I humbly ask for your vote on March 14th.
Shawn Faber
My top priority is fiscal responsibility and good stewardship of the budget. Our rising tax rate in these tough economic times is hitting many residents of Londonderry hard, at a time when rising inflation and utility rates are increasing costs across the board.
The best thing I can do to help that situation is to get the most for our tax dollars while improving on the things that make Londonderry a great place to live. This is not a situation unfamiliar to me. Throughout my career as a software executive, I’ve worked for companies whose budgets were tight and growth had slowed. I’ve helped those companies take the jump to the next level by bringing a fresh perspective to problems that had become so status quo that people had a hard time seeing them.
I’ve created buzz and excitement where previously there was frustration, worry, and a breakdown of communication. We couldn’t spend our way out of problems, so instead, we created an environment where the best and brightest wanted to contribute to something special. I believe we can do the same thing for Londonderry.
We are facing water issues, rising costs, and disagreements within the community, but we also have a ton of great things as well.
I chose Londonderry as my home for a reason and I want to do everything I can to ensure that all our residents get the most out of this wonderful community we all share.
A place where our town employees not only love to work but also call home.
A place where our citizens feel not only that their town government hears them, knowing that they are doing their very best to maximize this special town.
If you share this vision for Londonderry, please vote for Shawn Faber on March 14.
Joe Green – Incumbent
My top priority if Re-Elected would be to continue to support Commercial and Industrial development in order to reduce residential taxes. We need to continue to drive our rates down!
I believe that this council has done an extraordinary job attracting new businesses to Londonderry causing additional commercial taxation. This new income allows us to maintain the services we have all come to rely on and expect in this great town of ours. We have to stay mindful of where and how we allow this growth to happen in order to protect our beautiful natural resources and country like aesthetics. It can be done with the kind of precision acumen I can continue to provide. I know how to get more done with less!
I was the only councilor who voted not to raise your taxes this year. I do not believe we need to keep reaching into your wallet to fund additional expenses when we have a gold mine up at the airport. Let’s ensure together, we take the necessary next steps to allow our town to flourish continuing to make Londonderry one of the most sought-after towns in the entire state!
I would like to make clean drinking water an expectation, not something that has to be fought for! If re-elected, I will continue to push this agenda, until we develop a solid resolve, which will allow all of us to sleep better at night knowing relief is on the horizon. This initiative is one of the most important challenges that our newly formed task force will be directed to focus their attention on. Remember that the cost does not have to solely fall on the taxpayer to solve. There are many state and federal funding sources available that will be taken full advantage of.
Tammy Siekmann
My top priority is to ensure the community is growing and prospering in such a way that we are keeping up with our Seniors and young families moving in so they can afford to live in Londonderry.
My number one goal is to keep transparency and open communication between the Town Council and the members of our community ensuring we have a trust to do what is in their best interest.