Next week, residents will be asked to vote on over 30 Warrant Articles on Town and School Ballots, with many of the items coming with high dollar amounts.
The School District Ballot has 10 articles, with the largest ones being Articles 2 and 3, the Moose Hill Addition, and Renovation Bond.
The District is looking for support on over $34 million in bonds for the expansion project at Moose Hill School.
Both articles require a 3/5 majority vote in order to pass.
The District’s Operating Budget, Article 4, stands at just over $88M for both the School Board and Default Budgets.
There are also about a half million dollars worth of Capital Reserve Funds being asked for on the ballot.
On the Town ballot there are over 20 articles appearing, with a number of articles having no tax impact.
Article 3 looks to authorize the town to move forward with a loan for nearly $3 million to help fund a Water Supply Extension Project on High Range Road. The total cost of the project is $23,750,000.
The article requires a 3/5 majority vote in order for it to pass.
Article 4 is the Town’s Operating budget looking for an approval of $45,859,596. If the article fails, the default budget will be $45,901,420.
Articles 5 and 6 are Maintenance Trust Funds looking to raise $750,000 in taxes for facilities and roadways in town.
Article 14 is asking for $162,000 to be raised for an additional Town Prosecutor.
Article 15 will be looking for nearly $500,000 for additional firefighter.
Article 16 seeks to raise nearly $500,000 for Pickleball Courts in town. Half of that money will be coming from the Unassigned Fund Balance, leaving $240,000 to be raised in taxes.
There are also a number of articles looking to change the ways things have been done in town.
Article 2 is an question asking voters to amend the Town Charter and make the Town Treasurer an appointed position rather than an elected one.
The Town Treasurer is currently an elected position.
This article appeared on the 2023 Town Ballot and failed 999 to 800.
Article 21, a citizen petition article, will be asking residents if they are in favor of the continuation of the Town Manager Plan.
There are five Citizen Petition articles, looking to amend Londonderry’s Municipal Code. They were all changed at the Town Deliberative session to be advisory only. Meaning that if they pass, there would need to be Charter Amendments made and voted on in future elections.
Article 17 looks change from having Planning Board members appointed to being elected.
Article 18 hopes to have more Public Comment available to citizens at public meetings.
Article 19 looks to have all meetings recorded.
Article 20 looks to have all meeting times made at a time that is convenient for the general public.
Article 22 asks voters to amend the administrative code by removing the word “Advisory” from the Budget Committee, allowing for a default budget created by the Budget Committee.
These articles will be voted on during the Tuesday, March 12, elections at the Londonderry high School Gymnasium from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sample Ballots can be found on the Londonderry Times Facebook page.