By Alex Malm
After voters in town voted in support of the proposed operating budget and a $5-million bond to improve the infrastructure of the schools, the School Board discussed potential goals for the Spring and Summer.
“With the Budget behind us, I was hoping to have a discussion that we can start on March 21 and continue to tease out the School Board’s priorities for how we use our meeting time over the Spring and Summer of 2023,” Superintendent, Dan Black, said in a memo to the School Board.
One of the things that Black pointed to is master planning, saying they can give updates on the bond process as they move ahead with it.
Another area that Black suggested they discuss during upcoming board meetings is safety upgrades.
“We can update the board as more of the projects are set up and completed,” he said.
Other things that Black suggested they look at during the school board meetings coming up could focus on short curriculum updates, student presentations, and setting up the district for the release of a new five years of the strategic plan for the Fall of 2024.
School Board Chair, Bob Slater, said he likes the idea of having periodic updates on where they are academically as a district so people can see their progress.
“I’m glad you hit on that,” said Slater.
Slater also told the School Board members that he wants people on the board to feel comfortable approaching him about adding things to the agenda.
“There’s a lot of good ideas out there, no one should be limited to put something on the agenda,” said Slater.
He added that depending on the schedule, they may have to wait a couple of weeks, but they will be able to address it.
“Anything you think needs discussion, please reach out,” Slater said.
School Board member, Kevin Gray, noted they passed their maintenance bond and doesn’t want to see them in the same position in 20-25 years when they have a lot of equipment that needs to be replaced all at once.
He suggested that it’s something they discuss down the line to come up with a way to address it on a rolling basis.
“What I’d like to discuss is kinda a plan to mitigate that,” Gray said.
In other news, the School Board also accepted several resignations and retirements.
The resignations accepted includes Elaine Davis, a support staff member at Matthew Thornton, Erin Donovan, a teacher at Londonderry High School, Apryl Forest, a support staff member at Matthew Thornton, Kelly Gordon, a teacher at Londonderry High School, Robert Lees, an energy consultant for the school district, Felicia Lodato, a custodian at the high school, Ayesha Malik, a teacher at Moose Hill, Greg Pantazis, a teacher at South School, Jianna Spina, a support staff member at Moose Hill, and Chuck Zappala, the energy manager for the school district.
The retirements accepted includes Kathleen Gagnon, a support staff member at Moose Hill, Maureen Hutchins, a support staff member at the high school, Lori Jabar, a teacher at the high school, Sharon Rice, a teacher at Moose Hill, and Kelly Sarbaugh, a teacher at Matthew Thornton.