School Board Hearing on Budget, Articles is Jan. 14

The School Board has voted to move an operating budget of $70.7 million to a public hearing this week.

The Board’s budget public hearing is to be held on Thursday, Jan. 14 at 7 p.m. in the Moose Hill Council Room at Town Hall.

By decreasing the Superintendent’s proposed budget by $200,000, the Board brought the proposed budget $150,000 below the default.

The Superintendent’s proposed budget of $70.9 million represented an increase of $1.9 million over this year’s budget and is $56,000 above the default budget.

Member Dan Lekas asked that the Superintendent present recommendations for where the $200,000 could be cut from the proposed budget at the Board’s meeting Tuesday, Jan. 5.

Business Administrator Peter Curro said the District may need to increase the budgeted amount for Special Education due to a number of unanticipated placements and expenses.

“We will have that when we present the budget at the public hearing, for sure,” he said.

“I want to bring down the budget too, but I also want to know what will be cut,” member Leitha Reilly said. “We need the ability to modify accordingly.”

“We will come in with our recommendations on reductions, and the Board may have other ideas,” Superintendent Nate Greenberg said.

“I think it’s good we do keep a tight rein on it. It’s important to me to be below default,” Chairman Steve Young said.

In addition to the operating budget, the Board moved to the budget hearing warrant articles to raise and appropriate $500,000 for the Maintenance Trust Fund, $300,000 for technology infrastructure and $110,000 for the Equipment Capital Reserve; as well as an article to amend the Charter to eliminate the quorum requirement at the annual deliberative session.

The Superintendent’s proposed budget is available on the District’s website at

The last day to submit citizen petition articles, which must be endorsed by at least 25 signatures, was Jan. 12, after the Londonderry Times goes to press.

The filing period for School District elections on March 8 is open from January 20-29. Open positions include one member of the School Board, three- year term; one School District Clerk, three years; one School District Moderator, three years; and one School District Treasurer, three years.

To file, residents must make arrangements with District Clerk Mary Wing Soares by calling 247-1679.