School Board Receive an Update On LHS Data Points

During the April 16 School Board meeting, the School Board received an update regarding different data points for Londonderry High School, including its graduation rate.
“As you see the graduation rate at Londonderry High School remains strong,” Curriculum Coordinator, Shawn Flynn, said, noting that they have less than 1 percent of its students who dropped out for 2023-2024.
For advanced placement tests data, it was noted they had a significant amount of students who registered for the AP exams in 2024, compared to past years. In 2024, 327 students signed up for the AP exam with 192 in 2023, and 194 in 2022.
It was noted by Curriculum Coordinator, Kim Lindley-Soucy, that they received a grant to cover all AP exam costs this May so students can take the exam “without the financial barrier of $100 to take the class.” It was also noted that they have seen an increase in the number of students taking the courses.
For academic honors, 72% of students in the class of 2024, made the honor roll for the first semester this year, 57% for the class of 2025, 59% for the class of 2026, and 68% for the class of 2027.
“Academic achievement is a huge part of our culture at LHS,” Flynn said.
It was noted that in order to make the honor roll, a student needs to earn between a 3.2 and 3.6 grade point average, and high honors is above a 3.7 grade point average.
One of the programs Flynn pointed to is the Futures Lab.
“The Futures Lab at LHS provides a physical and virtual space where students can explore trades and various career paths,” he said.
Flynn said they have had a number of different events including career breakfasts, and other programs through the Futures Lab.
It was also noted that they had steady numbers for dual enrollment in 2023-2024, including 241 college credits being earned from Southern NH University, and 379 credits from Manchester Community College.
In 2022-2023, Londonderry High School students earned 385 college credits from MCC and 236 credits from SNHU.
The next Londonderry School Board meeting is slated to take place on May 7 at 7 p.m.