By Alex Malm
The Londonderry School Board discussed their plan to search for their next superintendent during their Oct.4 meeting.
It was explained by School Board Chair, Amy Finamore, that in April they appointed Dan Black as their interim superintendent for the 2022-2023 school year and they would look at what to do for the search when the school year starts.
“I am proposing to the School Board that we reopen our search, again using the Bryan Group, the same search firm with whom we previously contracted,” Finamore wrote in a memo. “This contract contained a clause providing a second search at no additional consulting cost should the first not result in the hiring of a permanent superintendent (note that the Board will still incur expenses, such as mileage and job posting fees).”
The School Board agreed that they should reopen the search, use the same job description and to keep the HR Director as the designated liaison with the Bryan Group.
Another part of the search discussed was what the composition of search committee would be.
School Board member, Bob Slater, said he feels since the superintendent is the only position the School Board hires for, he felt the Committee should just be the School Board.
“That’s my thoughts on moving forward,” said Slater.
Finamore said she agreed.
“The only time we talked about it was in public open meetings,” Finamore said about their search process last time.
She felt, however, they should include staff members including the Human Resources Director, a principal, and two other staffers along with community members.
Slater said he was okay with the set up, but felt they should have either two or four community members depending on how much interest they get in order to have an odd number of people on the search committee.
The rest of the School Board agreed to move forward with that set up for the superintendent search.