From time to time, video/audio recordings and/or photographs are made of various school activities and classes that may be cablecast over the local educational access channel, LEO21, or other cable or broadcast channels, and/ or displayed or streamed at the Londonderry School District or a school Web site, through the District’s social media accounts, on the school district FM station, WLLO-LP, or in a district or school print or electronic publication.
These may also be used within the Londonderry School District.
Students may appear visually and/or be heard. On occasion, individual students or small groups may be featured in interviews or on-camera discussion. These students may be identified by name; however, only first names will be used on the screen when individual students are shown, unless the district secures written permission from a parent or guardian to use a last name.
Additionally, photos, student artwork, projects or performances may be displayed or shared. Student-produced work (print or non-print) may be used by the district in the course of instruction, accreditation, presentation, and action research.
The School District may also reproduce, make alterations or additions to, and copyright the material in whole or in part. The district will notify parents and guardians on an individual basis in those instances when special education programs are involved.
Parents and students may refuse release of any or all use of these materials related to specific students, provided that a written request is received by the Superintendent of Schools, 268C Mammoth Rd., Londonderry, NH 03053, by Sept. 30 of the current school year. Additionally, parents may opt to notify the district of any change during the school year.