Small Increase in Building Permits in 2013 from 2012

The Town of Londonderry issued 171 residential certificates of occupancy and 67 commercial certificates in 2013, compared to 139 residential certificates of occupancy and 59 commercial certificates in 2012.

The annual Building Inspector/Health Officer’s report represents all permits issued and fees collected from Jan. 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2013.

Town Building Inspector/Health Officer Richard Canuel said the report includes subordinate permits such as plumbing and electrical for the year, as well as the estimated value of construction and the total fees collected.

“Some of the numbers (in 2013) seem lower in some categories like mobile homes, accessory apartments and foundation and others, but if you look at the bottom line, the total estimated construction value in 2012 was $22.6 million but in 2013, it’s $30.7 million.”

The report shows that 2013 numbers include: Single family construction, 51 permits issued for an estimated value of $13,516,175; two family construction, two permits at an estimated value of  $836,000; accessory apartments, four permits issued for a value of $258,000; and mobile/ manufactured homes, nine permits issued at a value of $349,000.

In 2012, single family construction resulted in 44 permits. for an estimated value of $8,378,744; two family construction resulted in one permit issued to convert a one family to a two family for a value of $6,000; accessory apartments resulted in five permits, for a value of $211,500; and mobile/ manufactured homes accounted for six permits, for a value of $320,000.

“In 2012, fees collected totaled $223,050 and in 2013 it was $257,414,” Canuel said. “The total number of inspections in 2012 was 2,367, and in 2013 it was 2,665.”