Director of Public Works and Engineering Janusz Czyzowski approached the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee on August 21 with presentations regarding the same projects discussed last year: the South Londonderry Sewer Phase II and the Mammoth Road (North) Sewer Extension.
The South Londonderry Sewer Phase II plans to expand the service area to capture a mix of commercial and residential land uses, north and south of Route 102, consistent with the Town’s Sewer Facility Plan adopted in 2005, according to last year’s plan. The cost is estimated to be around $3.8 million, an increase from last year’s projects of $3.6 million.
Right now, there is not enough money in the sewer account to cover the $3.8 million for Phase II, which is the more immediate need, because of current projects and the prospect of future unexpected needs.
“We have to have obviously a substantial reserve in the sewer account, not only if something would break in our town … but also we would need it if something were to break in Manchester,” Czyzowski stated.
Londonderry is in agreement with Manchester that should Manchester need a major project done as necessity, Londonderry will pay a percentage of the project cost.
“We have money available if something breaks,” he continued.
Possible funding for the project includes access fees and bonds, but as of right now, there is no funding set up for the project.
One concern that makes this project somewhat immediate is the growth in Londonderry due to Woodmont Commons, and the growth in Derry. Town Council Vice Chairman John Farrell inquired whether or not they have the capacity to support all the growth.
Right now, Derry has an allotted amount of gallons they can use because they don’t have a reserve. If they go over 4 million gallons, they don’t have a reserve they will need a new treatment plant which would be estimated at $60 million, of which Londonderry would absorb the majority of the cost.
“They will not shut down the Town of Derry for sake of Londonderry,” Czyzowski said, which is why they want to go north of Woodmont – Londonderry will have access to Manchester’s reserves and won’t cause Derry to go over capacity.
The Mammoth Road Sewer Extension is a replacement of 1,000 linear feet of sewer infrastructure. The existing 10-inch Interceptor will be replaced with 15-inch pipe to accommodate flows from growth in the area, which will cost about $430,000, an increase from last year’s projected $410,481, the funding for which would come from taxes.
School Board Member Steve Young called the Public Works’ plans “squishy” compared to the projects presented prior because of the lack of detail regarding necessity and funding.
Czyzowski agreed, saying that “it’s tough to determine the priority level” when there’s no way of knowing what other projects could become a future dire and immediate need.
By the end of the meeting, the committee advised that the Phase II project is of greater importance and should be set to begin construction in Fiscal Years 2020-2021, and that the Mammoth Road Sewer Extension be pushed off to 2022.