Special Meeting Needed to Fix Planning Board Error

The Planning Board held a special meeting for only one agenda item on July 18.
The agenda item stated: “Public hearing solely to determine completeness of a continued application for formal review of a lot line adjustment to adjust the lot line between two parcels. 37 Stonehenge Road (Map 12, Lot 124-13) and 41 Stonehenge Road (Map 12, Lot 123). Zoned AR-1 (Agricultural Residential). Thomas J. Censabella and Shawna Denn (Owners) and Promised Land Survey, LLC (Applicant).”
During the July 10 Planning Board meeting, the application was one of two different agenda items that were continued by the Planning Board against the recommendation of Town Staff.
Following the meeting though, it was determined there were concerns that if the application wasn’t accepted as complete, then there could be issues with not being in compliance with the RSAs.
“We are merely accepting this application as complete so we can comply with NH RSAs,” Planning Board Chair, Jake Butler, said.
During the meeting, Butler explained that they didn’t accept the application as complete during the July 10 meeting, and they needed to accept it within 30 days in order to be in compliance.
One resident in attendance, Richard Bielinski, said he thinks there was a process issue.
“This isn’t a continuation, this is a new public hearing,” he said.
He argued that the general public wasn’t made aware of the public hearing, and also argued that he didn’t think they needed to continue it originally.
“This isn’t how you do business,” he said.
Town Manager, Mike Malaguti, explained why the meeting was called in somewhat of a hurried fashion, saying they were trying to fix a mistake.
“If something isn’t right, we try to fix it,” he said, explaining that they took all reasonable steps after the special meeting was called “to do just that.”
Malaguti outlined what was done to notify the public, which included posting the agenda online, putting it in the Union Leader, and that they posted the agenda on the town’s website.
He explained that he personally hand delivered the meeting notice to the abutters for the proposed project.
“The public hasn’t been disenfranchised,” Malaguti said.
Malaguti added that even if it was a new meeting, and not a continuance, that they would still be in compliance with the RSA.
After the application was accepted as complete, the public hearing was continued to Aug. 7.