Tag business

Special Education Budget Rises

Londonderry School District Pupil Services Director Kim Carpinone outlined for the School Board the Special Education budget for FY 15. Her budget totals $2,876,594, an increase of $104,188. Carpinone told the School Board at is Dec. 12 budget workshop that…

Toys For Tots Drive Concludes Dec. 15

The U.S. Marine Corps’ annual Toys for Tots toy drive will continue to collect new, unwrapped toys for underprivileged children until Dec. 15, according to Londonderry Town Clerk/ Tax Collector Assistant Christie Campbell. “I’ve been doing this seven years or…

Town Budget Hearing Dec. 16

The first public hearing on the proposed FY 15 Town Budget is set for Monday, Dec. 16. A bond hearing, if necessary, will take place Monday, Dec. 23, and the second budget hearing and adoption of the FY 15 budget…