Tag disaster

Enough To Go Around?

When there’s an overriding need – skyrocketing use of heroin and resulting crimes, expansion of the interstate to handle gridlock, failing bridges, funding to boost economic development (think Pettengill Road), the place we all turn to is the federal government,…

Local Couple Receive Presidential Award Again

Londonderry residents Bill and Dennie Dyer have received, for the third year in a row, the President’s Volunteer Service Award for their efforts with ShelterBox USA. This year’s award recognizes their efforts in 2013 to assist disaster survivors, and was…

Scary Times Ahead

Today is Halloween, and if you did a quick survey of people you know, you’re likely to find that it’s the favorite holiday of many of them. Most of us harbor plenty of good memories of trick-or-treating amidst the fall…

As Winter Approaches, Preparedness Emphasized

It won’t happen to me? That’s not the way to face a disaster, and a presentation sponsored by the Londonderry Elder Affairs Committee offered pointers and concrete information for people who plan to take a different response to potential emergencies.…