Tag discussion

Planning Board Discusses Third Party Review Draft

The Planning Board reviewed a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for Third Party Review for land development applications but plans further discussions on the matter. Third party review has been an issue, with the Town Council last May dropping Stantec…

A Right to be Heard

We just have to wonder – what are public officials afraid of hearing? Someone who disagrees with their consensus? A viewpoint different from their own? In recent years, we’ve heard more and more efforts to stifle public comments, whether it’s…

Planning Board Debates How to Handle Letters

The Planning Board mulled what to do with letters from the public, and board chairman Arthur Rugg noted they would be considered public documents. “I think it could raise some Constitutional issues,” Rugg said. “If they want to discuss something…

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

For months, the Town of Londonderry expendable trust fund has been paying for repairs to various town buildings. The north and south fire stations, both of which are far from old, regularly need repairs for work that should have been…

Woodmont Commons Master Plan Discussion Continues

The master plan for the Woodmont Commons Planned Unit Development (PUD), which outlines where residential and commercial buildings will be located, as well as infrastructure, signage, and the location of open spaces, continued in its review by Planning Board members.…