Impact Fee Amendment Passes First Reading
The Town Council voted unanimously Monday night to accept the first reading of a new impact fee ordinance, as recommended by the Planning Board to make the ordinance more in compliance with state statute.
The Town Council voted unanimously Monday night to accept the first reading of a new impact fee ordinance, as recommended by the Planning Board to make the ordinance more in compliance with state statute.
The Planning Board has signed off on the Woodmont Commons Master Plan and accepted revisions to a proposed amended impact fee ordinance. At its Wednesday, Oct. 2 meeting, the Planning Board heard from Town Planner Cynthia May, who said the…
The forensic audit of impact fees on the town’s books since 1994, the result of an order issued by Superior Court Judge Marguerite L. Wageling in a December 2012 ruling, will cost $209,385.27. The audit was ordered because the court…
Months of missing records. Years of missing bank statements and deposit records. Incomplete data in town records. Ownership updates missing. Impact fees not assessed where they should have been, or assessed for some categories but not others. No evidence that…
The Woodmont Commons development agreement is heading to the Town Council for a vote. The agreement was one of the focuses of the Planning Board at its 7 p.m. meeting Wednesday, Aug. 28, a meeting that followed a 6 p.m.…
Addressing the ticklish subject of impact fees, which have been suspended by the town pending the results of a court-ordered audit, Londonderry Controller Doug Smith said the town had 223 escrow accounts in public works and approximately 50 accounts in…
Woodmont Commons developer Michael Kettenbech voiced some frustration with the process when Woodmont’s fiscal analysis report was questioned by members of the Planning Board last week. He pointed out the positive tax impact to the town of his development, compared…
The Town Council meeting on Monday, June 3 was short compared to most meetings, coming in at twenty minutes and after the meeting, councilors went into non-public session, according to Chairman John Farrell, to discuss the process of interviewing the…
The team from the Woodmont Commons Planned Unit Development (PUD) has presented its conceptual plans for water, sewer and ancillary utilities. Development team member Joe Ducharme told the Planning Board at its Wednesday, May 22 meeting that water would be…
New regulations regarding permitting and use of fireworks were suggested to the Town Council by Acting Fire Chief Darren O’Brien. The suggestions were the result of a professional fireworks display held recently at the Londonderry Fish and Game Club, which…