Tag gun

Town Council Approves Expenditures

The Town Council approved a variety of expenditure requests Monday night. Police Chief William Hart requested $5,031.44 for a computer for a police department cruiser. Hart said that several weeks ago he had come before the council to purchase the…

Stun Gun Confiscated at Manchester Airport

According to Ann Davis of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA), a female traveler was stopped by TSA officers at the Manchester Boston Regional Airport on Sunday afternoon, June 30, after, a TSA officer manning the X-ray checkpoint spotted a…

Londonderry Men Arrested After Road Rage Call

After a cell phone caller reported a road range incident on Nashua Road (Route 102) on Tuesday, June 4, police arrested two Londonderry men shortly thereafter on Interstate 93. According to the Londonderry police log, a caller at 8:55 p.m.…

Fireworks Display at Fish and Game Rattles Neighbors

The Londonderry Fish and Game Club hosted the New Hampshire Pyrotechnics Association’s (NHPA) annual meeting Saturday night, and the fireworks weren’t just in the sky. According to Rick Olson, club president, the NHPA uses its annual event to showcase products…