Tag lwc

Women’s Club Mingle at Annual Welcome Back Social

Members of the Londonderry Women’s Club gathered at the Morrison House Museum and Parmenter Barn on Wednesday evening, Sept. 13, for the group’s annual Welcome Back Social. The ladies discussed plans for the upcoming year, played a short game and…

Annual Banquet

The Londonderry Women’s Club recently held their annual banquet at the Coach Stop and inducted the groups 2023/24 board members. Emily Crane, President; Michelle Destefano, Vice President; Nicole Lepine, Secretary; Sylvia Roberts, Treasurer; Peggy Palfini, Membership; Deb Paul, Community Outreach;…

Women’s Club Scholarship

The Londonderry Women’s Club (LWC) recently awarded scholarships to three high school seniors to assist with college fees. Pictured from left to right are: Kendall Wilson, Nicole Lepine (LWC), Emily Crane (LWC), Camden Poitras and Rheagan Tymowicz. Courtesy photo

LWC Scholarship Awarded

The Londonderry Women’s Club held a “Cookie Swap” for their December meeting and during the event awarded their annual Adult Scholarship recipient for this year. De Sparkman, center, is attending Granite State College where her major is Human Services with…