Tag program

Helping Hands

Some people see a problem and complain. Others see a problem, figure out what has to be done, and get busy doing it. Most of us don’t like to ask for help. But it’s a refreshing and validating experience when…

Elsie MacDonald

Elsie (Alicia) Madeline (deJesus) MacDonald, 82, of Londonderry, formerly of Charlestown, Mass., died Jan. 5, 2014 at home after a brief illness. Born in Virginia on July 9, 1931, daughter of Domingo and Ernestine (Von Kahle) deJesus, she was a graduate of Charlestown High School and…

Toys For Tots Drive Concludes Dec. 15

The U.S. Marine Corps’ annual Toys for Tots toy drive will continue to collect new, unwrapped toys for underprivileged children until Dec. 15, according to Londonderry Town Clerk/ Tax Collector Assistant Christie Campbell. “I’ve been doing this seven years or…

Fire Explorers Train on Mammoth Road

The house at 381 Mammoth Road had thick white smoke billowing from the doors and windows, while youths ages 14 to 18 were entering the structure, all of them members of the Hudson Firefighter Explorer Post, training to be future…

Economic Recovery Zone Discussed at Town Council

The Town Council passed gave its approval to an expansion of the Economic Recovery Zone (ERZ) located near Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. Planning Contractor Stu Arnett of Arnett Development Group discussed the expansion with the Town Council at its meeting Monday…

Concussion Policy Reviewed Again at School Board

Superintendent of Schools Nathan Greenberg answered questions that school board members had raised when the official policy presentation on concussions was made by Athletic Director Howard Sobolov and Athletic Trainer Michelle Hart-Miller the previous month.

Bring Your Own Device Policy Discussed At School Board

Assistant Superintendent of Schools Andy Corey updated the school board on the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program being instituted in the district which will allow teachers and in the near future, students to bring their own laptops and devices…

Tee Time

Sarah Grace Stewart and Meghan Daileanes show off their newly created tie-dye T-shirts last week as they hang out to dry. The girls, along with over 100 other children, are part of the Londonderry Recreation Summer Program held at Matthew…