Tag south school elementary

South School Celebrates with Ice Cream and Friends

South Elementary School staff recently provided treats to the student body during the school’s annual Welcome Back Ice Cream Social. Attendees enjoyed a wide variety of toppings for the sundaes and also got to mingle with friends, family, teachers, and…

Hip Hoppin’

The South School Hip Hippin’ Hawks Jump Rope Team had performances at the school last week displaying some of the many skills they have developed of the year under the guidance of teachers Jen Cutuli and Scott Lohnes.The Hawks are…

South School Drama Students Perform Peter Pan

Drama students at South Elementary School have been hard at work preparing for their performance of Peter Pan. They will have an in-school performance Thursday, March 30 and Parent Performance on Friday, March 31 and Saturday, April 1. Lead roles…

Dance Team of Two

South Elementary School students Alexandra Murray and Mia Mathieu performed a dance routine recently, during their school’s annual Talent Show. A dozen performances were on stage and judged by fellow students at the event.See page 12 for the winners Photo…