Tag south school elementary

Oz Revisited

Members of the South School Drama Club have been busy rehearsing for the Wizard of Oz to be performed at the end of the month. The play ended abruptly two years ago due to COVID but now a new cast…

Furry Friends Feast

Jinelle Hobson and Connie Young of the Salem Animal Rescue League picked up donations from students at South Elemenraty School last week. Diane Fisher and Kathleen Peterson helped run the drive and students Allie Adams, Calvin Feugill and Laila Fortier…

Readers Week

To help celebrate Read Across America week, South School first graders Olivia Clark and Meredith Hunt brought a book to school and dressed up as the characters in that book. Photo by Chris Paul

Food Drive

South Elementary School students participated in the annual food drive collection where the school was able to gather over 1,600 donated food items. The South School Student Council organized the event and came up with incentives for our students to…