Tag summer

Tee Time

Sarah Grace Stewart and Meghan Daileanes show off their newly created tie-dye T-shirts last week as they hang out to dry. The girls, along with over 100 other children, are part of the Londonderry Recreation Summer Program held at Matthew…

Summer Fun

Ryan Pemberton, 7, leap frogs over Tommy Martin, 7, with teammate Jayden Hamilton, 6, waiting for his turn, as teams race toward the finish line in the Londonderry Recreation Department Summer Program


The Summer Reading Program at the Leach Library is in full swing again and dozens of children took advantage of getting some new books during the annual Beach Blanket Bingo event held on Monday. Pictured, Owen Ferreira, 3, wins a…

Taste the Local Flavors

There’s been plenty of talk lately about maintaining the “rural lifestyles” of our communities. And while population density may be on the rise, one of the hallmarks of a rural community and of the New Hampshire countryside – local farmstands…

Summer Roadwork Underway

The Londonderry Department of Public Works (DPW) is at work on reconstruction of a section of Litchfield Road, a project that will continue through September. The work will focus on a stretch of Litchfield Road from Misty Lane to High…