Members of the Londonderry High School Dance Team welcomed veterans at the the entrance of LHS with cheers at the annual Veterans Breakfast on Friday morning. Photo by Chris Paul
Tag veterans

Local veterans invited to the annual Thank You Veterans Breakfast were entertained throughout the event by a number of musically talented Londonderry High School students. Dylan Anderson sang and played electric guitar during the early part of the breakfast. Joey…
Troop Salute
Members of Cub Scout Pack 901 lead attendees of the Matthew Thornton Veterans Day Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance last week during a ceremony honoring veterans with ties to the school. See more on page 8. Photo by Chris…
Matthew Thornton Students Honor Veterans at Assembly

Staff and students at Matthew Thornton Elementary School held a “Thank You For Your Service” Veterans Day Assembly on Thursday, Nov. 10 and welcomed a number of local veterans with ties to the school or its students. Members of Cub…
Local Veteran Thanks Moose Hill Students
Local retired veteran Lieutenant Colonel John Lohmann visited with students at Moose Hill Kindergarten last week to personally thank them for the baskets and cards the American Legion Post 27 members had received on Veterans Day.Lohmann also explained to the…