The Town Council has approved a resolution to establish a task force to study target shooting in the Musquash Conservation Area and other town-owned conservation land.
The task force will consist of one representative from the Conservation Commission (as a non-voting member), Londonderry Trailways, ALERT – A Londonderry Emergency Response Team, the Londonderry Fish and Game Club, the Fire Department and two representatives from both the hunting/target shooting community and neighborhoods abutting the Musquash.
All appointees to the task force are to be Londonderry residents.
“I fully understand the reason behind the task force. I’m concerned with looking at who’s going to be represented,” Dana Coons of 2 Aspen Circle said. “Several people have spoken out against target shooting. I’m afraid once the force is in place, those who are going to be pro-target shooting will be very outnumbered. I think you did the best you could, I’m just very afraid it will be very stacked against target shooters.”
“The purpose is to study the issue,” Councilor John Farrell said. “The Council is trying to hear all parties and come to a compromise that works best for the community. If the people here try to work together and come to a resolution that meets in the middle, I think that will be a good solution.”
Councilor Tom Freda said when the Council tasked the Charter Commission, they considered a majority and a minority report.
“I think most task forces and committees set their own rules. I would be in favor of hearing both sides,” he said.
“You could look at it as people being outnumbered, but they’re the concerned parties,” Farrell noted. They’re the ones who will be coming up with a resolution.”
“I’m all for the task force. I just want it to be fair and I want it to be reasonable,” Coons said.
The Council is to receive notification from the Town Manager of appointees to the task force by Dec. 15.
Following meetings of the task force, a written report detailing its findings and recommendations is to be submitted to the Council by April 1.